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Complete Job Description

The Treasurer reports to the GFFT Chairman of the Board and the State Director. The role also is part of the GFFT Executive Committee. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate records of financial transactions conducted by operations of GFFT and for producing all required financial reports and filing of tax returns as required for a Not-for-Profit corporation. The organization’s financial year is based on a calendar year. The Treasurer is responsible for preparing financial reports outlining the financial liquidity of the organization on a monthly and annual basis. This appointment is made with the approval of the GFFT Board based on the recommendation of the Board Chairman and Chief Operations Officer.

Core Activities:

  • Collect, record, and bank all income that enters the system in the form of PayPal, credit card, check, and cash.
  • Set up payment methods and maintain them for key organizational services and activities, such as website and Internet services, fair and festival event fees and support materials, banking activities, contracted services, etc.
  • Pay valid expenses, per the GFFT bylaws and honoring spending level authorization of approval, to vendors providing organizational products and services.
  • Manage the organization’s three bank accounts to ensure transactions can be fulfilled without incurring unnecessary fees.
  • Keep records of all transactions using the QuickBooks Pro accounting system. Provide access and financial information to assist other Executive members in performing their roles.
  • Produce summary accounting reports on a monthly completion of the organization’s activity in a conventional Profit and Loss, Cash Flow, and Balance Sheet format. Also, provide legacy GFFT financial reports and detailed trial balances.
  • Arrange for verification of the accounts to a level of detail defined by the Executive committee.
  • Assist Executive members with budget preparation and financial prospectus to support contributor donor acquisition and solicitations by the marketing efforts.
  • Attend Operational and Executive Board Committee meetings, normally held on the 1st Monday and 3rd Mondays of each month. Currently these meetings are held in Norcross, GA.
  • File GFFT annual informational reports to the Secretary of State of Georgia and the IRS (Section 501(c ) (4)) to maintain the organization’s Not-For-Profit corporate status.
  • While the treasurer has responsibility for the finance activities, many of these are hands on operationally, such as Post Office retrieval of mailed-in contributions and banking deposits as well as the QuickBooks Pro bookkeeping activities.

Time Commitment: 5 Hours/Month (average)

Personal profile

The volunteer for the role of treasurer should be proficient in the use of computer technology and have reasonable knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, familiarity with QuickBooks Pro, Microsoft Excel and Word, SharePoint, and operational standard finance practice and basic mathematics.

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