Your help is needed to make change happen.
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Creating local community FairTax® clubs is one of the most effective ways for individuals to share knowledge about the FairTax. The meetings can be informal and held at a local home or office. Members can invite friends, neighbors, or co-workers to learn about the alternatives to the current tax system. Or the meeting can be more formal and held in conjunction with local business organizations, chambers of commerce outreach, and civic clubs. So let us know if you are planning to start a Local FairTax Club or you are scheduling a Local Event. We would like to hear from you!
Click on the Map Pins Below to Learn More About Each Club
Athens Area FairTax Club
Middle Georgians for Fair Taxation Club
Middle Georgians for Fair Taxation
Gloria Alday – gloalday35 @
Lorilee Cuvillier – hornecs @
Doug Sleeth –
Sam Dugan – esdugan @
Roswell FairTax Club
Roswell FairTax Club
Contact John Greaves: FairTaxJohn @
Are you interested in starting a FairTax Club in your area?
Please contact our Director of Club Formation to learn more about what you can do to start a club.
John Greaves
Director, FairTax Club Formation
Contact John Greaves
The Latest FairTax Club News
Athens FairTax Club off to a Great Start
The Athens Area FairTax Club conducted its organizational meeting on Saturday, May 31, 2014. An enthusiastic group of twenty-four attendees viewed The FairTax: It’s Time video and then participated in a lively discussion about the details of the FairTax. One goal of...
Taxpayers are moving to states with low or no income taxes.
Georgia for FairTax is working on legislation to keep Georgia competitive ... In a May 1, 2014 article in the Washington Examiner, political analyst Michael Barone wrote that recently released IRS data show that taxpayers are actively moving to states with lower or no...
Local FairTax Clubs Rally on April 15th Tax Day: Go Warner Robins!!
Warner Robbins is a prime example of how Georgia FairTax Clubs are making a difference. Creating local community Fairtax clubs is one of the most effective ways individuals can do to share knowledge about the FairTax. The meetings can be informal and held at local...
Support the FairTax
America faces one of the greatest perils to her future: our broken economic engine. A simple tune-up won't fix the problem. The FairTax would fuel economic growth, investment, and job creation throughout the nation. Learn why the FairTax will fuel our economic...